Recognizing God

There are times when God has shown Himself, and these are the times I love to tell you about, because we all need to be reminded of our God’s love and power. And there’s nothing better than knowing He’s right here and He can still use me.
Geovane is 23 years old from Aningas. He had three cancerous tumors in his pancreas which were removed in March. His surgeon was confident that he removed all traces of the cancer, but asked for a PET scan, to see if the cancer had spread. The public health system refused to allow him this scan, which costs $7,500 reais.
Natalia’s uncle, Francisco, told us about Geovane and asked us to help. So, we went to visit him the next day. Since that Monday morning in April, we have spent days every week with Geovane, going back and forth to try to get the government’s approval for the scan. Natalia and Layane accompany us. But we never preached to him. Together with the girls, we prayed that God would direct us, prepare Geovane’s heart, and prompt us–in His time!–to tell him about his need to be saved.
One Tuesday morning, I arrived in Aningas and picked up the girls. Natalia said, “Geovane’s mom told my uncle that she’s so happy Geovane is getting out. He was depressed and didn’t want to leave the house.” Then Natalia asked, “Should we talk to him about God?” So we prayed, right there in the car, “God, make Your timing known to us and give us Your words.” And we picked up Geovane at his house and went to the courthouse in Ceará Mirim.
After leaving the court, we went to the market. The girls went in to buy something, leaving Geovane and me in the car.
“I have to tell you something,” he said. “Before I met you I was so scared, and I wanted to know God would hear me. So, one Sunday night there was a bingo game at the church. I prayed that if God was real and He cared, I would play bingo and would get all the numbers except the last. I did that because I didn’t want God to think I just wanted to win the game. I went and that’s exactly what happened. But then I told God how scared I was and I wanted Him to be with me every day, through this. And you came the very next day to my house. I know God sent you.”
It was my privilege to tell him that God did send us and tell Him all about God’s love for him.
Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. 
Psalm‬ ‭46‬:‭10‬ AMP
I have learned this verse this way: Be still. Because if you wait, you will know that God is here. You will recognize Him at work. And He will get all the glory.

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