Two huge pots of beans are simmering on the stovetop and we just finished cutting up the meats and onion and for the feijoada. The farofa is ready to go. Tonight I’ll stir the beans from time to time and in the morning we’ll make the rice and the juice and pack up the truck.
We’ll be on the streets and in the favelas, tomorrow and Thursday with this hot meal and God’s Word.
I love serving Christmas dinner on the streets. I love the way the kids see the truck, whoop it up and start running alongside us. I love the hugs I get all day long and the surprised faces when I tell them that–yes!–the American gringa made the feijoada, and I’m glad it tastes like the real thing.
Best of all, I love the sweet, sweet message we get to bring: Jesus the Christ was born and He came to live among us. He came as a sacrifice to pay our debt of sin. He died for me and you. The best present this season and any season is God’s glorious salvation. I’m praying that this Christmas someone I meet accepts God’s gift and is set free.
For you are saved by grace, through faith; and this not of yourselves; it is God’s gift.
Ephesians 2:8 DARBY